Saturday, April 12, 2014

My life in Finland! :D

I used to live in Harjavalta, but I moved to another host family in a coastal town called Luvia which I should accept that has very friendly people.
I go to a school in a near town, Ulvila, it is a really good place to meet new people and the education is just motivational as the teachers are amazing professionals. 

I love going to ice hockey games, it's really excited and it's also something new for me because in Uruguay it doesn't exists. Ice hockey is the most popular sport as well as watching Formula One but the real national sport in Finland is Pesäpallo (nest ball) which is a fast-moving bat-and-ball sport, it's really interesting.

My routine consists on going to school on weekdays, then going to gym or swimming, listening to music and being at home with my new family. On weekends I meet friends, sometimes we have small parties or we just go to a café. I really like watching movies so it would be great to go to the cinema here. I have been in a Thirty Seconds to Mars concert that was so entertaining, I like going to concerts sometimes, it’s fun and a good experience when you see your favorite bands or artists live. 

I’m thinking on starting to make funny videos and posting them on Youtube, it’s just an idea that I’m seriously thinking on making it real. I also go to sauna, it’s a really important thing for Finns, where they can stay for hours and the normal temperature varies between 60-100 degrees celsius or 140-212 degrees fahrenheit, huh! that's a lot! When I came at first, I was impressed by the high temperatures but you just get used to it! I love being here and sharing my experiences with you readers! It makes me feel good and grateful for you being interested in reading it. :)

Center of the city of Pori

Sunset (Auringonlasku) from Kokemäenjoki River

Industrial area

Ice Hockey game 

Center of Helsinki (Finland's capital)

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